Customers: We still need your help!
Customers: We still need your help!
Thanks for all your help in signing the letters of support that helped to influence the Consumer Product Safety Commission in granting a 2-year conditional stay of enforcement on the sale of youth ATVs and motorcycles. Currently FUN CYCLES, INC. is able to sale youth products. The stay of enforcement is in effect through May 1st of 2011.
The Motorcycle Industry Council and Specialty Vehicle Institute of America continue to work diligently to help our business by urging the Consumer Product Safety Commission to grant (and members of Congress to support) petitions for temporary exclusions so that youth models could continue to be sold. The powersports industry demonstrated in the petitions, through scientific analysis required by the CPSIA, that the lead-containing parts of youth ATVs and motorcycles pose no risk of increasing the lead levels in children aged 12 and younger. The lead-content provisions of the act, which originally were aimed at toys that can be mouthed by children, were never intended to apply to youth ATVs and motorcycles.
FUN CYCLES, INC. believes it is very important for everyone involved in the sport of off-road recreation – both young and old – businesses and customers – to continue supporting the petitions that are now in front of the CPSC. We are asking for common-sense exclusions for ATVs, motorcycles, and the parts/accessories that simply do not pose a risk to children in the real world of off-road recreation. The youth involved in riding and racing ATVs and dirt bikes are not licking or eating the parts off of their machines or their riding gear!
FUN CYCLES, INC. has always promoted the safe and responsible use of all ATVs and motorcycles – whether by youth or adults. We stress the importance of parental guidance and participation with all youth sales. Protective gear is also an important aspect of our customer service. We would never knowingly put a child in a harmful situation and honestly do not believe the youth riding ATVs and motorcycles are at risk due to the lead content of any parts used to build these units. FUN CYCLES, INC. also feels very strongly that it is more important to be wearing protective gear than worrying about youth absorbing lead because of wearing protective gear.
We encourage all our customers and off-road enthusiasts to visit and click to send a message to Congress asking for exclusions to be made available for youth ATVs and motorcycles. Please help FUN CYCLES, INC., and all other dealerships and distributors in the powersports industry, by sending your message to Congress. The website makes it easy and is an excellent source for up-to-date information regarding the status of off-road riding for our youth.
Thank you for helping our business and your sport.